Now I am noisy?

Another thing to complain about.  I recieved this from the HOA today. I am in disbelief!
I have been contacted by a couple of the homeowners in regard to a Blue Nissan 350 Z. The car has loud mufflers and has been parking in the clubhouse parking area. The car appear to belong to someone at your unit. Two issues:
1. The vehicle can not continue to park in the clubhouse parking and must park in your garage or driveway..
2. The owner leaves between 11:15 and 11:45 at night and the loud muffler wakes the neighbors.

Please address this. If the car does not belong to your unit, let me know.

Care Property Management, Inc.
1985 East Devon Avenue
Hanover Park, IL 60133
And of course my reply!
I love this one. I did not know there was a curfew for when we can come and go.
We let the friend of the family park his motorcycle in our garage. So on nice days, he drives over as a visitor, and takes his motorcycle for the day. He drops it off when his day is done and takes his car home. He doesn’t leave it overnight, like many of our neighbors family have all summer that live down at that end.
Where is this going to go? Do all the Harley Riders with loud exhaust have a curfew to get home by a certain time? I have been awakened many an evening this summer by motorcycles coming in late. Price you pay for living in a townhouse community. If you would like to give the names of the people who are complaining, I will be happy to talk it out with them.
If the car is louder than the the city of Elgin noise law, please Have them call us with the db meter reading.
As a guest of mine, he can park his car there to get access to my house. Just like the family members of the families down the street park there vehicles for their weekend visits.
This is not towards you , the messenger, but feel free to pass it along to the people concerned. FYI, my Harley is within the city sound limits. And I will start it and ride it between 11:30 and midnight everyday if this harassment continues.
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